
Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Best Cross Country Ever

After lunch on friday we lined up in front of room 18 and then Mr Burt  took the 9 year old girls and boys and they went to the reserve down by the beach and then we were on our way there with Mr S and he took the 10 year old girls and boys .

The 9 year old girls and boys went before the 10 year
old girls and boys. When they were running they flipped their feet towards their bottom’s and when they were running  in the muddy puddles on there way going to the bushwalk and I slipped over.

When I  nearly got to the end my shoe almost got stuck in the mud because my friend Christian and I was running with her.

The best part was when my foot almost got stuck in the mud.


  1. Hi Alarze,
    I Love Your Story And Your Picture You Draw But I Think You Could Go Back And Edit It Like Friday With A Capital But The Rest Sounds Great Keep It Up.

  2. Wow great story
    I like this story it.
    I think you just need to go back and press the pencil and then put a captil F for Friday.
